Farm Fresh BlogTuesday, March 06 2012
Thus far the calf is still alive. No real improvement though. He is taking his milk, so he gets warm food in his belly. I'm concerned that his brain may have been denied oxygen for too long during his birth which has resulted in brain damage. He doesn't seem to be able to control his head much or make any attempt to stand. He is taking his milk well though, so that's something. Ranger spent the night sleeping on the corner of the bed. He often jumped down to lick the calf and check on it before returning to his post on the corner of the bed where he had a birds-eye view of the calf. Ranger is a regular Florence Nightingale.
Keep up the prayers. It ain't over till the fat lady sings. We'll give him every chance possible. At the very least, he's warm and dry, and as long as Ranger is there, he has a constant nursemaid.
Don't forget to let Ranger to the butt-licking - important to stimulate the need to "go" - betting as long as his suck reflex is good he'll make it.
Posted by Susan on 03/06/2012 - 06:17 PM
WIth the dry feed conditions could it be a selenium deficiency-in our country in dry years it is common to most areas-causes white muscle disease in calves, sheep, horses and easily cured with injectable selenium. So hope it gets better!
Posted by sue in wyoming on 03/06/2012 - 07:10 PM
We had a calf years ago that stuck in birthing for a while. Her head was actually swelled and so was her tounge, got her warm and kept up the tlc and she came around. It did take a couple days but just to keep circulation going we would prop her up on a bale in the garage so she could use her legs some. As you said it's not over til the fat lady sings and over the years it has amazed me what some babies can survive.
Posted by Rachel on 03/07/2012 - 09:38 AM