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Farm Fresh Blog

Monday, April 29 2013

I had to share these pictures with you! The new babies haven't been introduced to the flock yet. When they were born one of the yearling lambs was already smushing the brown one before Other Half discovered the new arrivals. So all interaction is through the bars for a while. During the daytime I let the whole flock into the yard and lock the babies in a dog run for "day care."  Their mom comes in from time to time for "snack time" and after that they sack out in the dogloo.

Briar has been parking herself either outside the door of the dog run or inside the adjacent kennel so she can keep an eye on the little ones. They are as curious about Briar as she is about them.


I got so tickled today when I was in the pen with them and I heard someone calling my goats/sheep on the highway.  I heard a human say, "Baaaaa...."  and the goats answered.

And so did Briar.  That big dog can move fast.  Apparently two bicyclists had decided to talk to the sheep along their route. Briar raced out there and barked,

"MOVE ALONG!!!  Nothing to see here!  Move along!"

And the cyclists rolled away. Briar returned to the baby goats to touch noses. Yep. They're still okay. No one stole them while her back was turned.  Silly ol' dawg.

Posted by: forensicfarmgirl AT 05:15 pm   |  Permalink   |  3 Comments  |  Email
Yo0u know what makes a cool baby goat shelter too - besides a dogloo -- is those big blue 55 gallon drums. Stand 'em up,(upside down) weigh them down some and cut a baby goat sized door at the bottom. Make a straw mattress inside and WALLA - baby goat mansion.
Posted by Susan on 04/29/2013 - 08:37 PM
Clever dog mum not silly dog???!!! Can we have updates when Briar is allowed full conact pleeeez? Did you ever think she would turn into this mother earth when you first bought the little flea bag home? Go Briar
Posted by Liz (Vic Aust on 04/29/2013 - 09:39 PM
Briar has been allowed in the pen with the babies while I'm sitting with them and their mother is enjoying "mom's day out" time. She is curious but gentle. I still don't leave them alone with her because they are so little now. I also don't want them falling asleep under the house. I won't be able to get the little boogers out from underneath that house until they wake up!
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 04/30/2013 - 10:02 AM

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Red Feather Ranch, Failte Gate Farm

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