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Thursday, April 09 2015

Trace's minion is growing up. Mesa has a strong sense of self, and prefers to be with the Border Collies even though Cowboy hates her, and Lily just tolerates her. Trace seems to enjoy her company and Mesa can finally keep up with him.

I limit their time together because he is a troll, and she is already slightly bent toward the troll direction herself. She rages in her crate at meal time so badly that I've had to place a screen between kennels so she doesn't intimidate poor Ranger. She is Trace Jr. If she emerges as a full-fledged Troll Dog, I'd like to think it was genetics rather than modeling Trace's behavior. So although Mesa prefers to be a part of the Border Collie group, the bulk of her time in a pack is spent with Dillon and Ranger who model canine good citizenship. (Wow... I'm certainly scraping the bottom of the barrel to say that Ranger has canine good citizenship skills. Let's just say that he doesn't behave like a Troll, and leave it at that.)

Since I've announced many times in both public and private that Lily is The Perfect Dog, and since Mesa is related to Lily, one would think that Lily's perfectness would rub off on Troll Jr, but I haven't seen it yet. Nope, Mesa likes Bad Boyz and Trace is just soooo fine!

So who wants to hang around with a tight@&$ like Lily when you could be riding with a Biker Boy like Trace?

And she does love to ride that bike.

Mesa is ready for a leather jacket and a studded collar cuz Sister wants to be a Biker Chick.

Posted by: forensicfarmgirl AT 02:40 pm   |  Permalink   |  2 Comments  |  Email
Thank you for the best laugh I have had all day! Hopefully I will remember the laugh when I go home and see my own biker chick wanna bes. (3 out of 7 BC's)
Posted by Andrea on 04/09/2015 - 05:16 PM
LOL! Wow! 3 out of 7! How do you manage?!
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 04/20/2015 - 08:45 PM

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Red Feather Ranch, Failte Gate Farm

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