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Wednesday, October 27 2010

Even when I get off work on time, it's still 1 AM when I get to bed. No matter what time I get to bed, Trace gets up at 7:30 AM . . . on the dot. He was playing hockey in his kennel beside the bed this morning so I decided, "Why fight it?" and just got up to turn him out. 

 The fog had rolled in and the farm was blanketed in a thick layer of peace.

Our lemon trees are in bloom and the sweet smell permeated the porch.

So I stepped out into the welcoming serenity of a foggy morning to do my chores.

 "What the heck . . .

 . . . is that??!!"


"Houston, we have a problem!!!"



Apparently fences are "no big thang" for our Caped Crusader.



Thank God my little comet comes when he's called, because he was on a collision course with Rasta the Nasty. So now I get to spend my day before I go to the office cramming landscape timbers between the fence and the ground so he can't slither his skinny little butt under the fence! So much for peace and serenity.


"oH! hOrsE pOOp!  mY fAvoRiTe!!"

Posted by: forensicfarmgirl AT 09:09 am   |  Permalink   |  5 Comments  |  Email
Is there any way you can make him be afraid of Rasta, but not the other sheep/goats? Maybe take him out on a leash, let him get close to her and scoop him up at the last second? It's terribly hard to be mad at the cutest puppy there ever was, isn't it?
Posted by CeeCee on 10/27/2010 - 12:08 PM
Afraid not. He's bred to be, and destined to be, a cow dog, so he has to believe in his soul that he can lick whatever he sets his mind to. It's my job to keep him safe until his body grows up enough to catch up with his heart. Then we can start putting in some patience and self-control. Until then, he needs to stay on HIS side of the fence!
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 10/27/2010 - 03:55 PM
Re the gaps below the gates. try a log and some bale twine and hang it on two slings from the bottom of the gate. Plank or similar will do. Just needs to swing a little. Spring is sprung here and the drought (12Yrs) has broken. Glorious 24 C today.
Posted by Liz (Vic Aust) on 10/27/2010 - 05:54 PM
Ah, that makes perfect sense. Don't want him being afraid of anything. I just never thought of his 'job' plans. :)
Posted by CeeCee on 10/27/2010 - 07:09 PM
Oh, how many times we've done this! We've got Pyrs that, I swear, don't have any bones! It's incredible the little spaces they slither through! Just last week The Welder came out and lowered two of our gates. We'll see how long that works...
Posted by Mary from Fancy Fibers Farm on 11/01/2010 - 12:20 AM

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Red Feather Ranch, Failte Gate Farm

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