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Monday, November 08 2010

I tease about Ranger being Trace's Fairy Godfather . . .

But the reality is that despite his good humor,

 Ranger is most definitely a Marlon Brando-style "Godfather."

Just ask Briar . . .

when she gets too rough with Trace . . .


"Don't play too rough with The Baby!"

After Ranger lets her up, Briar and Trace shuffle off to the more sedate sport . . .

. . . of hunting for cat poop.

While Trace's Godfather watches . . .

Posted by: forensicfarmgirl AT 07:58 am   |  Permalink   |  2 Comments  |  Email
Holy cow, Ranger brings the hammer down when he needs to, huh? I forget that Briar is still young because of her size. Every blue or red version of Ranger I have ever met, is always met with a closed hand so I don't lose a finger. They are primarily 'one person' dogs and I always ask the owner if they can be petted.
Posted by CeeCee on 11/08/2010 - 10:50 AM
YES! They are certainly one-person dogs, and despite the fact that Other Half brought the little fruitcake home, he selected ME to be his person. He actually gets a little spooky around OH if he's been gone for a while. But you couldn't ask for a more devoted family dog. He is seriously protective about everyone in his care. He comes down hard on Briar for playing too rough with Trace, but he also jumped fences and got zapped twice when he heard Briar screaming that the hotwire got her. Despite the fact that I was strongly against adding him to my family, I am now one of his biggest fans. Go figure.
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 11/08/2010 - 11:15 AM

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Red Feather Ranch, Failte Gate Farm

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