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Farm Fresh Blog

Wednesday, April 20 2011

I call this creature the White-Chested Sneaky Snake.

When I'm headed to the barn and I don't want 5 dogs running with me, I put them, one by one, into a kennel on the back porch. Dutifully, each pup slides behind the bars.  Every pup, except one . . . the White-Chested Sneaky Snake.  This creature hides.  It hides behind the Toy Tub.  It hides behind the Tomato pot.  It hides behind the barrel. It flattens itself into the pavement and stays really, really, REALLY still, like a little green lizard, blending into her environment.  It wants to go to the barn. The White-Chested Sneaky Snake knows that I will, at some point, need her help . . .  


 . . . because there are sheep at the barn.

 "Are we going?  Are we going?" Are we going?  What are we doing?  What are we doing? Are you ready now?"

Posted by: forensicfarmgirl AT 10:20 am   |  Permalink   |  3 Comments  |  Email
How did our dog Annie get on YOUR farm? Is it chore time now?
Posted by Peg H. on 04/20/2011 - 01:27 PM
AHAH! That's my Emma June! She knows. She just knows. And that's the only time she won't listen to me, either. Won't come in the house. Won't listen at all. I'd call her names, but it doesn't help, and well, I do need her help! ...and she knows.
Posted by Sue on 04/20/2011 - 06:04 PM
That's the sad thing! I DO need her help. She seems to know ahead of time!
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 04/20/2011 - 08:56 PM

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Red Feather Ranch, Failte Gate Farm

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