Farm Fresh BlogSunday, July 14 2013
I once heard a story about a man walking on the beach who saw a boy running along the surf, picking up stranded starfish and tossing them back into the ocean. The man asked the boy why he was bothering to toss the starfish back into the water since there were so many stranded starfish on the beach that morning that it was impossible to make a difference. The boy picked up another starfish, threw it into the surf and said, "I made a difference to that one." (This story is credited to Loren Eisley.) Well Friends & Neighbors, we can't save them all, . . . . . . but we can save this one. Other Half was working a neighborhood known as the 5Th Ward today and was flagged down by this poor little tyke. I fully believe the puppy read the side of the police car and said, "K?" "9?" "K9?" "Canine?" "CANINE?!!!" "Hey YOU! Officer! Pullover! PULL OVER!" Other Half stopped and called the little guy who came up whining. He brushed the fire ants off the little fellow and gave him some water. Grateful puppy slurped it up. Then Other Half, who keeps dog food for his own patrol dog in the car, tossed out some food. And took a cell phone picture. Which he sent to me. Then he called me. We both knew it. We couldn't just leave him in the ghetto. Emaciated, dehydrated, covered in ant bites, and fleas, he climbed into the front seat of that patrol car, and drove out of the ghetto forever. Other Half met me at Petsmart where we bought him canned dog food, a collar, a toy, and a dog bed. We took him home and after a long warm bath, he settled down in his very own bed for the night. He can stay until we find him a 'forever home.' We can't keep him, but we couldn't just drive away and leave him there either. You can't save them all, but when God tosses one at your feet, what else can you do?
Now he needs a name befitting the brighter days he has ahead of him. Any ideas?
OMG! That poor, poor baby! Give your other half a huge bear hug for stepping up and rescuing that precious baby! I wish I could think of a neat name for him but I'm drawing a blank. My mind is numb at the thought of people being so cold hearted and cruel to dogs and other critters.
Posted by shawna on 07/14/2013 - 09:43 PM
What a sweet boy... How about Phoenix.
Posted by cg on 07/14/2013 - 11:40 PM
Call him Reader. That talent may have saved his life.
Posted by Peg H. in Wisconsin on 07/15/2013 - 01:11 AM
LUCKY seems like the right name for this guy. Pretty smart, too.
Posted by Clairesmum on 07/15/2013 - 07:08 AM
Starfish! LOL When I read your blog post that is what I thought his name was. Glad he will get a better future...
Posted by C J Lang on 07/15/2013 - 03:43 PM
Poor baby! Do you know how old he is - he looks like just a baby, but it could be because he is just so small.....
Posted by Janie on 07/15/2013 - 03:59 PM
He is still a little puppy. He goes to the vet tomorrow but I'd put him between 10 and 12 weeks. Severely underweight! Quite a scrappy little dude though. Probably why he's still alive. Right now we're calling him "Henry."
Posted by Foremsicfarmgirl on 07/15/2013 - 05:09 PM
Thank you and your Other Half for rescuing this little guy. God knew just where to send him. For some reason the name Gabriel popped into my head. He just looks angelic. He must have had one guarding him that sent him to you.
Posted by Bobbie on 07/15/2013 - 07:42 PM
Ohh, what a sweet lucky little boy! If I lived anywhere near Texas I'd scoop up that little darling in a heartbeat <3
Thank you two for saving him. You're both wonderful.
Posted by Christine on 07/16/2013 - 07:45 AM
Thank you both for giving him a chance!
Is he named after the candy bar?
Oh Henry!
Peanut butter, caramel and fudge dipped in a smooth milk chocolate.
Perfect choice for his color.
Posted by Sharon on 07/16/2013 - 07:46 PM