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Monday, July 29 2013

I marvel at the number of people who can afford yard crews. I WISH a truckload of men with mowers and weedeaters would magically do all my yard work while I was gone. This is the best I can do:

They mow.

They weedeat.

    They even mulch and recycle.


Other Half has the large and rather messy area of the yard that is simply a collection of tractor implements. This equipment sits around the yard, waiting to be used. Grass grows up around them. Without our yard crew, this area would be a nightmare. Now . . . not so much.

But this isn't without great hazard to them.  One morning I watched Clover startle and take off running like a spotted ape. Closer inspection revealed that poor Clover had discovered a wasp nest on the underside of the front-end loader.

Clover definitely "took one for the team," because "I" am the person who would have gotten 'got' if she hadn't found it first.

With the recent rains, (and the broken riding lawn mower) I really, REALLY appreciate my yard crew. Today I was forced to add to the crew. There is simply more grass than this crew can handle alone. Reinforcements were called in today . . .

And when you think about it, like my sisters in suburbia, I still get to admire the cute "gardener"  . . . 

  Nice buns!

There's even a cute little 'cabana boy' on the porch . . .


So who needs a truck load of men with weed-eaters?



Posted by: forensicfarmgirl AT 05:51 pm   |  Permalink   |  3 Comments  |  Email
Well, I don't know that you exactly have a cheap crew, by the time you buy the food, pay the vet, keep up the fences, and rescue them from the consequences of excessive curiousity! Tho, like a crew of men, you never when they will show up, they need cold drinks, and they sometimes ignore your requests. Should you add 'supervisor of yard maintenance crew" to Briar's long list of responsibilities?
Posted by clairesmum on 07/30/2013 - 06:32 AM
I never knew that yellow jackets could nest in the ground until I ran over one with a lawn mower. I was probably mistaken for the spotted ape! :-)
Posted by Eric on 07/30/2013 - 03:14 PM
Much better looking than any 2 legged yard crew!
Posted by Nicole Lynn on 07/30/2013 - 03:45 PM

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Red Feather Ranch, Failte Gate Farm

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