Farm Fresh BlogWednesday, September 04 2013
Ask most people who've been through an event which destroys their home, and you'll hear how the real tragedy is the loss of family photos. If the house is scattered rubble, but a photo album survives, they consider themselves blessed. That said, let me show you this:
Well, it's me 50 years ago. When I was a toddler, our home caught fire. My mother only had enough time to grab her baby and run. My baby pictures were lost in the fire. But here in this age of digital technology and social media, strange things happen. It goes like this: (1) Under duress, my mother joins Facebook. (2) She reconnects with relatives she hasn't seen in YEARS! (3) My 50th birthday rolls around. (4) A dear relative just so happens to have . . . DRUM ROLL please . . .
It's ME! It's ME! It's Ernest T! (Okay, you youngsters won't have a clue who Ernest T is, but then, that's what Google is for.) Yes, Great Aunt Opal just so happened to have not one, but THREE pictures of little ole me! Check this out!
I look like the AFLAC duck. My mother refuses to take any responsibility for this fashion disaster. She threw my grandmother under the bus on this one. Isn't that what family photos are all about. Embarrassing pictures that make you smile. Snapshots of little strangers who look strangely familiar. Thank you so much Aunt Opal for keeping these old photographs for 50 years!
Happy Birthday!
Posted by clairesmum on 09/04/2013 - 09:06 AM
This is great. Having lost the family photos in a major bushfire in '83 know the feeling. Fortunatly we had some distributed sources and recently supplied them to a group who organised my mum's 90th birthday. She lives o/s back in her home country now. The internet is great when used for good
Posted by Liz (Vic Aust.) on 09/04/2013 - 06:04 PM
How wonderful!! You are WAY cuter than Enest T:)
Posted by Janet on 09/04/2013 - 06:48 PM
Happy Birthday! I'm so happy you found (and shared) these great photos.
Posted by Jess on 09/07/2013 - 02:33 PM