Farm Fresh BlogTuesday, October 15 2013
Certain members of this family have way too much time on their hands.
We kept a group of calves at the house and without their mothers around, there is no one around to keep this group of pre-schoolers out of trouble. Last week Other Half was out of town and I was juggling the farm and a full time job. Naturally the calves discovered the joys of playing in the water spigot. Yes, one, or more, of the calves figured out how to turn on the faucet and flooded the arena - twice. They got so bad that I had to turn the water off to the house to keep them from burning the well out. At one point, I trotted out to the pasture, turned the spigot off, trekked back to the house, and twenty minutes later the calves had turned it on again. WTF!!! So I solved the problem by just turning the water off at the well and turning it back on when I needed to take a shower and fill the water tanks. After days spent screaming at Other Half on the telephone, and threats of steak and BBQ, the problem was finally solved when he returned home. For a while at least. Other Half returned home and made a little Fort Knox around the water faucet. This seems to have done the trick. We'll see. Kindergarteners with nothing to do but graze can be quite creative.
So can Trace keep these guys occupied!
Posted by clairesmum on 10/22/2013 - 09:12 PM
Oh yes! And that's why they're up at the house!
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 10/22/2013 - 10:01 PM