Farm Fresh BlogMonday, January 26 2015
The evolution of a nickname is a curious thing. Lily's alias is "Gator," Dillon is the "D-Man," and Trace is "Red Feather." It was assumed that Mesa's nickname would evolve to be "May May," but such is not the case. This past week at the ranch her new nickname emerged: "Moo Moo" Because the cow goes "Moooooo."
and she has figured out now that the cow goes "MOO!!!" Mesa was quite happy to watch the cattle from the safety of the truck but when Other Half carried her through the bunch to count cows, she was a bit apprehensive that the 'moo-moos' noticed her. It is clearly a lot less intimidating when you're being carried through sheep or goats, but neverthless she handled the cattle well. I did notice there was no discussion of "Put me DOWN! I've got legs. Let me walk!" The conversation went more like: "Hold me tight, Daddy!" And he did. And Mesa was just fine. At her age it's all about exposure to the world she will work in without allowing her to have a bad experience. So Mesa spent a week at the north ranch, soaking up real ranch life and the worst thing that happened to her was she got a stupid nickname.
It's no worse than my dog, Giddy Gumpus. The other two's nicknames are even worse.
Posted by Patty on 01/26/2015 - 08:03 PM
Lol! I wish we'd come up with cool nicknames but alas, I'm doing good to get the correct dog's name barked out, much less worry about making it sound good. (Grin)
Posted by Forensicfarmgirl on 01/28/2015 - 11:03 AM