Farm Fresh BlogTuesday, November 17 2015
Meet the JV Team - Judge & Jury They are bigger than everyone but Briar now, and they aren't even 6 months old. Because of their size, it's easy to forget that Judge and Jury are still just kids. They are long and lean and remind me of teenaged lion cubs when they walk. These guys are very athletic, moving suprisingly fast for their size. I have heard the Anatolian Shepherd described as the 'basketball player of the dog world' and it certainly fits them.
Considering the predator load here, I appreciate not only their size, but their warrior nature. Even at their young age, they are already at work. At night, they sleep with the sheep and goats in the stalls which open into runs behind the barn. These runs are adjacent to the buck pen. The night before last, because of storms I was forced to shut the main doors of the barn, locking Briar inside the barn. This left the buck pen unattended. In the middle of the night, the puppies exploded with barking, alerting the rest of the dogs. Other Half ran outside but whatever caused the disturbance had already run off into the dark. It was not until morning that I realized a predator had climbed the fence and attacked two bucks as the puppies in the stall pens alerted the pack inside the barn. Thankfully the bucks only had minor injuries, but it was a wakeup call for me. Without these dogs I would have no small livestock within a week. So chalk one up for Judge & Jury, my young Spartan warriors, children, already training for war. Comments:
I know you are looking forward to the day when they turn varsity! I'm glad the up and coming kids are looking so promising.
Posted by Patty on 11/18/2015 - 08:30 AM
Meanwhile their development as lgd are helping people on my rescue list to understand how they develop. They have recently taken on several Anatolian besides the many Maremma.
Posted by Liz (Vic Aust.) on 11/18/2015 - 04:25 PM
Yes, I am really looking forward to them growing up enough to be of real help to Briar. They are enourmous, but still teenagers!
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 11/28/2015 - 08:24 AM