Farm Fresh BlogThursday, March 22 2018
The Mini-Me is settling into a routine. At night Bramble, the Livestock Guardian Dog puppy, still sleeps in a cage inside the sheep pens with a couple of dairy goats and Judge, the Anatolian Shepherd who guards the pens at night. During the day Judge is released to guard the sheep in the pasture and Bramble is left in the pen to watch the sheep maternity ward. Today this particular batch of lambs was released into the barnyard. Bramble got to spend a little time out with them under supervision. She got too close to the lambs. She was sent packing. Back at the barn she found her friend, Rosie the Dairy Goat. And she found her roommate! Judge has finally accepted her unabashed worship and genuinely enjoys her company. One day these two will be working partners. In the mean time he'll let her make her mistakes, then kiss her nose, and show her how to be a Livestock Guardian Dog. Comments:
EEEK! So cute! By which I mean... What a wonderful start to a serious and useful career for a dog that should not be cooed over.
Posted by Jess on 03/23/2018 - 08:17 AM