Farm Fresh BlogTuesday, July 06 2010
When Other Half came into my life, in addition to cattle, cowponies, police dogs, and a cockatiel named Killer, he also brought two fantastic kids.
A Horse-loving daughter . . . . . . and a Hunting/Fishing/Firearms-loving son . . . The kids are very close. That's a good thing. That's a VERY GOOD THING. Because ya see . . . ya see that DAWG that Son is holding in his arms. Meet Drake! Son rescued Drake. Everyone in the family loves Drake. He's a very sweet dog. What's not to love? But let me paint this picture for you . . . Daughter and her Husband have a lovely two-story home. Drake and his Master often stay with her. Drake isn't keen on confinement, and so sometimes it becomes necessary to lock Drake in the bathroom when he's alone. Now imagine, if you will, that Drake is locked in the bathroom on the 2nd floor. Also imagine, that Drake climbs in the tub. Stretch your imagination further to picture Drake turning on the hot water . . . full blast. No one is home. When help does come, Drake has flooded the house. . . the beautiful house with the hardwood floors . . . the hardwood floors that had JUST BEEN INSTALLED. Drake's adventure tallied up to $17,000 in damage. Yes, Drake is still alive. Yes, the kids still love each other and laugh about Drake's adventure. Thank God for close families. Thank God for insurance.