Farm Fresh BlogWednesday, November 03 2010
My Black Wolf finally has what every Belgian wants more than anything else in the world - Ice now has her own person. When Ice was a puppy she went to a Narcotics home. And she learned to be a Narcotics dog. Although she knew her job, she had problems handling the chaos of a Narcotics scene and was eventually "bumped from the team." I was contacted to help find a home for her and snapped her up as a companion for her brother, my Cadaver Dog, Kona. She fit in well here. Life as a pet dog suited her just fine, but she, like all Belgians, wanted more. She wanted to be someone's Special Dog. The problem was that her brother was already in that spot. And in time, Lily the Border Collie also occupied that spot. Ice was happy for any attention I could give her, but I could tell she wanted more. When my mother's dog, Ice's sister, passed away, Mom was left dog-less. (I KNOW! I shudder to even think about being DOG-LESS!) Mom needed the security of a guard dog, and the companionship of a dog who is hardwired in every fiber of her being to be someone's SPECIAL DOG. A dog like that lives to have a Special Person that they can shadow and protect. My mom needs a dog like that. Ice needs a job. My mother is now Ice's job. It works - like peanut butter and jelly. I love Ice, but sometimes truly loving a dog means letting them go to another home where their needs will be better filled. Sometimes love means letting go. Now Ice has perks that she never dreamed of: * She can sleep on the bed. * She can sleep on the couch. * She doesn't have to share bones. * She doesn't have to share table scraps. * She doesn't have to share snuggles & hugs. And my mom . . . . . . will never get to go to the bathroom by herself again . . .
Ha! The perfect solution for both Ice and your mom, and she's Penny's baby sister on top of that. Add the cats and everyone is happy.
Posted by Peg H on 11/03/2010 - 03:26 PM
Bwwaaaahhhahahaha! "...will never have to go to the bathroom alone again". I have two dogs and one cat in the tiny powder room with me every single time. Even in the middle of the night. They must have heard I fell in once---when I was 2!
So glad G'ma has a dog and Ice has a G'ma! Dogless is just wrong on so many levels.
Posted by CeeCee on 11/03/2010 - 05:56 PM
Yep! My Dear Friend Married To Vet saw the pair too-doloodling down the street in Mom's truck and she thought she was seeing a ghost of Penny in the seat beside Mom. She didn't know that the day before Ice had gone to live with Mom. Although Ice is black, in the shadows it's hard to tell she isn't a ghost image of her brother or her sister!
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 11/03/2010 - 06:59 PM
I LOVE this! perfect ending :)
Posted by Cindy Tennant on 11/03/2010 - 07:09 PM
Oh! I love a happy ending! What a perfect, God-sent solution. And the kitty has a new family, too! Perfect!
Posted by Dani Ezer on 11/03/2010 - 08:13 PM
Wonderful!! So how does Ice and Glory get along? :)
Posted by Lynn (in Katy, Texas) on 11/03/2010 - 10:37 PM
I am very happy for both Ice and your Mom. May they enjoy many years together.
Posted by Jan on 11/04/2010 - 10:20 AM
I figure you had to learn how to spoil dogs from someone and I bet that someone is your Mom. Does Ice know she's died and gone to doggy heaven??!!!
Posted by Janie on 11/04/2010 - 04:25 PM
Ice is getting along pretty well with Glory/Blossom. That little kitten runs the household now!
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 11/05/2010 - 04:17 PM