Farm Fresh BlogTuesday, November 09 2010
A: load it up on a flatbed trailer Stupid people that we are, we opted for "C." It was late, in fact, it was dark. (I want to go on record here to state that "I" suggested that we wait until the next morning when the sun was up! But NO! He wanted to get that chore out of the way. Okie Dokie, Smokey!) Sooo . . . he found a red lantern that flashes, (yes it is exactly like the red lanterns that the railroad men used to hang outside the prostitute's door, thus, "the red light" district was born . . . I read somewhere that this is actually a myth, but I digress . . . ) Any hooo, he used some hay string to hang a red lantern from the back of the buggy, sat on the tail gate of the little mule, picked up the shafts, and gave the order to proceed. There was much yelling to get it out of the driveway. Other Half is a yeller and a screamer. Unlike Ranger, the Blue Heeler, I don't take it personally, I just slam on the brakes, hop out, and scream right back at him because he yells contradictory instructions. (It makes for a healthy relationship. Either that, or it entertains the neighbors, I'm not sure which.) After much yelling, we navigated the driveway and headed off down the highway . . . in the dark - two fools, pulling a horse cart behind a Kubota mule . . . illuminated by headlights in the front, and a prostitute light in the back. All was well until we got to our destination. A sharp right-hand turn was needed to get into the driveway. I slowly put on the brakes. "You got it?" I asked. "Yeah, I got it! Go ahead!" So I did. And that's when he started screaming. Now this wasn't the deep-voiced, impatient yell of a man used to telling other people what to do. No, this was the high-pitched wail of pain. "No! NO! NO! Back up! Reverse!!!" (Plus there was lots of cussing, but since this is a family-friendly channel, I deleted those words.) So I put the mule in reverse. The screaming reached a whole new pitch. And cussing . . . lots more cussing. (Something about cutting his blankety-blank finger off.) So I leaped out of the mule and ran around the back to see what he had gotten himself into. Eegaads! To make it easier to pull, he had wedged the shafts of the cart into the bed of the mule. This worked well on the straight-away, but it didn't allow for the turn. He was holding the shaft inside the bed of the mule. When our Hillbilly vehicle turned right, the wooden shaft of the cart pinched his hand against the metal bed of the mule. Ouch! (or . . . Bleep! Bleep! Bleepity! Bleep!) There was more hollering as we lifted the shaft to release his fingers. (It actually made the skin on my butt crawl!) But . . . it didn't amputate his fingers. Fortunately for him, he was wearing this . . .
We had a doggone hard time getting that ring off. He refused to go to the Emergency Room to let them cut it off. (Diamond horseshoe ring) We finally got it off with dish soap. I was looking for a frozen bag of peas to put on his hand, but he insisted that I run to his fancy, smancy tactical gear and get a chemical cold pack (yes, he actually has chemical packs as well as "if you get shot, open this packet" gear.) So instead of a bag of frozen peas, he wanted the chemical cold pack. He grabbed it with the good hand, ripped it open, and it exploded in his face. (uh oh! It was not a good night for Other Half.) So while he was standing over the kitchen sink washing out his eyes, I was rummaging through bags of frozen vegetables. "No peas. How 'bout some French Fries?"
Interestingly enough, despite the pain, the hand seems to have survived without much damage. The ring was a bit oblong, but nothing was broken. We discussed taking it to the jeweler's to have it fixed. I'm gonna let y'all in a little secret. Other Half is tight. Other Half is really, really tight. Why pay a jeweler to fix a ring when you have a pair of pliers? I kid you not. It ain't pretty, but it fits on his finger again. And now we have both learned a valuable lesson. He learned to watch his fingers when pulling the cart, and I learned to always drive the mule and let him pull the cart. (I'm just saying . . . ) Comments:
1. I would have picked "C" as well. "What could happen?"
2. Did you take into account that OH knows where you sleep when you wrote this story? :)
3. What karma did OH upset in order to be rained upon with such bad fortune?
4. Did you get the cart into the yard, or is it still sitting half way in the driveway?
Posted by CeeCee on 11/09/2010 - 01:16 PM
"At this point the dogs and I were just standing in the kitchen watching the show, wondering what he'd do next. "
Oh my. That cracked me up!! Yep, I think he deserved that cold pack exploding in his face. Just sayin'.............. (I have a stubborn hubby, too.)
Posted by Lynn (in Katy) on 11/09/2010 - 04:24 PM
Bless his heart! He knows his whole life is spilled out on the blog. Instead of looking at it as bad karma, I decided to look at his night as a GOOD THING: 1) His fingers could have been broken, but weren't. 2) The cold pack chemical could have gotten into his eyes, but didn't 3) He didn't feel like cooking (I CAN'T cook!) and so we took a good friend out to dinner instead. (and she looked at his finger and pictures of his ring and was most sympathetic!)
So overall, instead of being a sucky night, it was a good night!
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 11/09/2010 - 07:22 PM
My finger is killing me just reading this. Listen closely-an old doctors trick. Take a tiny string and thread it under the ring. THen wrap the finger with string very closely starting under the ring and going toward the wrist-make the wraps very close together. When you carefully slowly pull the string the ring will inch up with each wrap and shazzam-it will be off in a shake of a lambs tail.
Posted by Sue Givens on 11/09/2010 - 07:52 PM
That is a really cool idea! I'll have to use that the next time we squish his ring onto his finger!
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 11/10/2010 - 05:36 PM