Farm Fresh BlogThursday, November 18 2010
Milli Ann sent me a story that had me blowing Pepsi out my nose at work. (This can be slightly disturbing to people in the cubicle beside you . . . and it burns your nose . . . I'm just saying . . . .) I immediately contacted Jane, the writer, and begged her to let me share it with you. If you love the adventures of my little red demon, Ruffy, you will thoroughly enjoy Mr. Chips! Great pony story, almost as good as the beet pulp story! I look forward to many hours exploring Jane's Literary Horse website. She is a talented writer with a sense of humor and attention to detail that has me embarrassing myself in public when I read her blogs! I urge you to click away and meet Mr. Chips for yourself!
Doggoneit, now you've given me yet another fabulous blog that I might have to read every day.
Have you bought a soccer ball yet?
Posted by CeeCee on 11/18/2010 - 02:40 PM
It DOES make you want to run out and get a soccer ball, doesn't it?
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 11/18/2010 - 04:25 PM
Query. Is that ragwort behind the pony?
Posted by Liz (Vic Aust.) on 11/19/2010 - 06:07 AM
Loved the story and it reminded me that my old girlfriend who lived and breathed horses would always put a teather ball up on a railroad tie between horse pens for her colts to play with then laugh while she watched!
Posted by sue on 11/19/2010 - 09:09 AM
Yes, I think that is ragwort. That area was an overgrazed paddock where the ponies were locked to keep them from fatting up on summer grass and foundering.
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 11/19/2010 - 11:01 AM