Farm Fresh BlogMonday, December 06 2010
Adorable, isn't he? Smart, isn't she?
Makes ya wanna run right out and get a Border Collie, doesn't it? But here's the Dark Side Of Border Collies: My back yard looks like this . . . and this . . . . . . because a certain adorable little Border Collie puts every smidgeon of brain power into finding a way out of the yard and into . . .
. . . here . . . . (Read: High Drive To Insanity ) And the boards in my horse barn look like this . . . YES! THIS! (No, a child with a chain saw did NOT do that!) A certain obsessive compulsive Kung Fu Panda is overstimulated by the sight of horses between the boards. Take the horse out of the stall and it completely diffuses her. The horse MUST be on the OTHER SIDE of the boards for the obsession to take hold. But make no mistake. She is helpless before the power of her obsession. . . and she's damaging her teeth. Soooo . . .
We installed a gate in front of the barn to keep out Border Collies! Note: Yes, we KNOW the gate is upside down. We had to install it upside down to keep The Crocodile Hunter from slithering underneath it! Now I'm not saying they are not the most adorable, remarkable dogs in the world, but if you get a mind like this . . . be afraid . . . be very afraid. For your life will never be the same again. That said, I cannot imagine how we ever ran a farm without one!
Which is why John Q. Public needs to research the pet(s) they think they want. I have a friend who is a pet groomer, she often gets calls from JQP wanting a specific breed of dog. One caller said she wanted a Scottish Terrier; the groomer asked her why?
Are you ready for the answer???
The caller -- "they" look cute on clothing. Seriously!!!
Posted by Lynne on 12/06/2010 - 07:45 PM
And to think folks buy dogs because of their looks??
Apartment + BC = disaster for everyone.
Posted by CeeCee on 12/06/2010 - 08:02 PM
Actually, apartments and border collies can work out just fine. It depends on the commitment of the owner and how much mental and physical exercise they are willing to give the dog, not where they live.
But, they certainly aren't a dog for everyone.
Posted by Karen on 12/07/2010 - 12:05 AM
Border Collies have always been one of my favorite breeds. However, I don't think I have what it takes to own one. It wouldn't be fair to either one of us. Hubby and I have been researching what would be best breed for us for over a year now.
Posted by Lynn (in Katy, TX) on 12/07/2010 - 09:18 AM
I've heard that they CAN do quite well in an apartment if the handler is active and provides lots of stimulation. The dog that comes to mind is Paige from the YouTube videos. Paige lives in an apartment and seems to be quite well adjusted. But she also has a very involved Mommy, does amazing tricks, flyball and (I think?) agility. Paige is the poster child for the clever Border Collie. (and every time I watch her Amazing Tricks video, I can't get that song out of my head!)
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 12/07/2010 - 10:57 AM
Speaking of Lily chewing the boards in the barn, try painting them with the same stuff you use to keep horses from chewing. Or use Bitter Apple or tobasco sauce.
I still think that Trace is the cutest BC I have seen since my best friends puppies were sold last year.
Posted by Libby on 12/07/2010 - 11:39 PM
Thank you! Trace is a cutie patootie, but mostly he is a little stinker! (He is Daddy's Little Buddy and OH lets him get away with murder!)
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 12/08/2010 - 06:03 PM