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Wednesday, January 26 2011

Marshal is an Anatolian Shepherd. (Don't get excited, he's not mine!) Dear Friend just bought Baby Marshal.  She and Vet Husband raise turkeys and chickens. 

Last year they also had goats. Last year coyotes ate one of the goats.

Enter Marshal . . .

When Marshal grows up, that won't happen again. Marshal will be big.  Big!  BIG! (Bigger than Briar!) Since Marshal is a baby, he needs a livestock family now, so Briar loaned Marshal some of her goats and sheep.

Marshal knew what goats were because his breeder had goats.

But WHAT IS THAT??!!!!!

Sheep were definitely NOT in Marshal's databanks. At first he ran back to Mom . . .

 . . . and they studied sheep together.

Sheep are definitely NOT goats.

But Marshal soon moved off to study sheep on his own.

Nope. I don't think that the coyotes will eat anything in Marshal's pasture when he grows up. Do you?

He kinda reminds me of someone else I used to know.  Remember this little girl?

My! My! My! What a difference a year makes!



Posted by: forensicfarmgirl AT 10:54 am   |  Permalink   |  8 Comments  |  Email
Oh, he's got such a sweet face! I love the pic of him hiding behind mom. He'll get the hang of it soon enough. :)
Posted by CeeCee on 01/26/2011 - 11:37 AM
What a gorgeous little boy! I've always thought this was a beautiful breed. :)
Posted by Lynn on 01/26/2011 - 03:29 PM
How old is this cutie pie? With those big feet, I can see how he will end up being bigger than Briar!
Posted by Janie on 01/26/2011 - 06:03 PM
Oh dear! You would have to ask me that one! I "think" he's 12 weeks old, but he might be younger.
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 01/26/2011 - 07:16 PM
I have one of those! I LOVE my Anatolian. She's 10 months old and 90 pounds. I don't think the coyotes will bother my sheep either any more :) And she is a total love-bug with people.
Posted by Sharon Martin-Holm on 01/26/2011 - 07:18 PM
That's what I love about Briar - she is such a LOVER. I don't have to worry about her eating my mother, and yet she can be horrendously intimidating to a stranger as a white bear the size of a pony bounces up them barking. I can only imagine what the garden-variety raccoons and coyotes think of her.
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 01/27/2011 - 04:43 PM
Awww, at least Marshall was bonded to and socialized with people. He has a big leg up on that department. Remember poor Briar had none of that magic in her little stew pot! Now look at her :^] And I LOVE the book idea. Good work coming up with that!
Posted by sue on 01/28/2011 - 05:23 AM
I just love Anatolians. I was introduced to them over 10 years ago. Marshall is a gorgeous representative of his breed. Would I have one - NO!! The reason is would not have one - I have no JOB for "him" to perform.
Posted by Lynne on 01/29/2011 - 11:18 PM

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Red Feather Ranch, Failte Gate Farm

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