Farm Fresh BlogSunday, February 13 2011
CeeCee asked for an update on little Trace, so here it is! Trace is 100% Border Collie puppy! Yes, he does still sneak out to get to livestock every chance he gets. (but I've plugged the holes now, so he only gets out when he slips through the gate with me. DUH!!!!) Yes, he is still adorable and thus forgiven when you finally get your hands on the little beast. He is scheduled for his first puppy class this afternoon so he'll get a chance to get out and be with other puppies. (I expect him to be a raging maniac . . .) . . . but that's no big deal. He's clever and should soon settle down. It's a baby agility class. I won't be trialing him in agility, but he does need the socialization with strangers and strange dogs. (He should be used to dealing with "strange" dogs by now.) Overall, Trace is shaping up to be a really nice dog. It looks like he will have Lily's talent (perhaps more) without being as handler-sensitive as she is. But he is a loooong way from doing any real work because at the moment, Trace is all about Trace. And that's not a bad thing. He is still a baby. On the 12th he turned 6 months old. We're confident that he and Lily will grow to be a great working team.
You forgot to comment on how gorgeous he is!! We won't think you're biased! What a beautiful colored coat - it shines so in the sunlight! :)
Posted by Lynn on 02/13/2011 - 05:17 PM
My goodness, he's almost as tall as Lily!
I hope y'all had fun on at your puppy class. How many people asked you what kind of spaniel he is? :)
Thanks for the update!!
Posted by CeeCee on 02/13/2011 - 05:19 PM
What a handsome boy he is turning out to be.
Appears he is heavier boned than beautiful Lily, I wouldn't wonder that he might be a good cow dog as well as sheep, goats etc. I wonder how tall he is going to end up being, I am convinced that the smaller dogs are faster especially with steers etc. and of course rams.
Posted by Libby on 02/13/2011 - 05:26 PM
He looks like a real dog now! What a beauty :)
Posted by Christine on 02/13/2011 - 10:54 PM
Trace made a liar out of me! He was an angel in class. Happy, attentive, curious! No one thought he was a Springer Spaniel mix because his littermate was also in the class. In fact, several people commented on them. They are a cute pair.
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 02/14/2011 - 01:03 PM