Farm Fresh BlogTuesday, March 08 2011
Janie asked for an update on Roanie, Macaroni, and Ricearoni. This little ewe was mauled by a dog and now, here it is a year later, and she is walking with little or no limp and two fat little boys by her side. Unfortunately she has dropped a lot of weight since the birth of the twins. She appears to be putting every ounce of nutrition into making milk, so she is beginning to resemble a dairy cow. In addition to pasture, free choice of hay, and supplemental feed, Roanie has been known to sneak back into the barn, and call my attention to the fact that she is alone, and thus, I can feel free to give her another bucket of food without alerting everyone in the pasture. This amazes me because the little ewe endured more than a month of daily penicillin injections in her butt. She has every reason in the world to avoid me, and yet, she seeks me out and quietly implores with her big yellow eyes, "Oh Human! Bi-ped! You with the thumbs! Here I am! By myself! In the barn! Where you can feed just little ole skinny me without having to feed everyone else again! Look how my hip bones stick out! See how fat my babies are!" And like the very well-trained little bi-ped that I am, I slip her more food. She grabs up a mouthful and mumbles a yellow-eyed "thank you, Human" before turning her complete attention to licking up every morsel of Sheep Chow before anyone else notices she is eating. Then she shuffles out to the pasture, feeds the boys, and settles down in the sun for a nap. It doesn't suck. Read: Miss Hardy Blood Will Tell
How adorable! Thanks for the update. She seems like a great mom who is putting everything into nursing her twins - she's a survivor who deserves the extra food!!!
Posted by Janie on 03/08/2011 - 09:32 PM
Oh yes! She's quite the character!
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 03/09/2011 - 11:50 AM