Farm Fresh BlogWednesday, March 23 2011
Some days are like an angry goose. It's just best to retreat. Did you ever have one of those days? I had one on Monday. I got up at 5:30 AM, and ran around all day long, subsisting on caffeine and a bag of Cheetos. By the end of the day I was mentally and physically exhausted, and in tears. In one day I had: * Gotten up at 5:30 Am to do chores It was at this point I remembered Post-it notes. One of the wisest and most profound things I ever heard, (and for the life of me, I cannot remember where I heard it!) was the simple idea of mentally writing down your problem on an imaginary Post-It note, and here's the important part - putting it on God's desk. You have a problem. You can't solve it yourself. There's no sense worrying any more about it. Write it on a Post-it note for God to handle . . . and let go of it! I kid you not. It works . . . every time. It works. Call it weird, call it naive, call it anything you want, but - it works. And that's all that really matters. Just give it up. As a dear friend once told me, "Let go, and let God." So that's what I did. I ate a bowl of cereal, mentally wrote out a post-it note, put it on God's desk, and went to bed. At 6:30 AM the following morning I received a message from the SheepGoddess. She had found my camera and misplaced her phone. All was well. I thanked God for the prompt response to my Post-it note, rolled over, and went back to sleep. Comments: post comment
That's a good way to handle things. Today I could have become upset / annoyed over what turned out to be nothing. Luckily, I was in such a great mood because "spring is here!" that I decided to forget about my problem for a while. A while later -- a solution appeared.
Sometimes doing nothing and waiting = solution :-)
Posted by Terri's Pal on 03/23/2011 - 10:28 PM
Wow, you also need to eat better. Bet you've heard that before, huh? That will take care of some of your problems right there. I am wondering which horse you sold (Marshall?) and which came back (Ona?). A herding update would be a good idea for your loyal followers, thankyouverymuch.
Posted by Peg H. on 03/23/2011 - 11:55 PM
This is a test to see if the stupif security thing is still throwing my messagesin the trash
Posted by Libby on 03/24/2011 - 02:56 PM
It's coming through Libby! If you ever have a problem with the security code, just send me a comment in the "feedback" section, and I'll post it in the "comments" section for you!
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 03/24/2011 - 08:08 PM
Oh! Peg! And for the herding update! Lily has a herding clinic tomorrow with Diane Deal. We're really looking forward to that!
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 03/24/2011 - 08:25 PM