Farm Fresh BlogSunday, April 03 2011
I'm seriously considered giving Briar a haircut. Maybe a puppy cut, or one of those Portugese Water Dog clips. She'll probably look silly but I think she'll feel better. Briar spends so much time in the pond that her butt is beginning to matt. Combing her out isn't much of an option because by the time I get up in the morning, she's normally already taken her morning swim. Then we take a walk, and she takes another swim. Briar is a closet-hippo! Combing out a wet dog is not an option for me. Not only is she rarely dry, but she smells like a fish bowl (much like Trace!) Soooo . . . that's why I'm seriously considering giving Briar a 'wash & wear' haircut. Look! I spy an Albino Hippo! "Hey! A fish!" "Look! My TAIL!!!" "OH! There's my tail!!!" Any questions?
Probably a good idea but looking at her I would concentrate on under carriage and butt. Needs back hair as sun protection. I have just had a Maremma shaved down because of cottony coat and rain scald. Blossom the Pyr used to get her back , rear end and legs scissored but I left her mane. She was a hang around house dog.
Posted by Liz (Vic Aust.) on 04/03/2011 - 09:20 PM
Yup, I'd do the butt and the undercarriage - that's the stuff that takes longest to dry, hardest to comb out, and gets all matted up. Love that swimming, tho - I'd do that every day if I were a dog in Texas, too!
Posted by clairesmum on 04/04/2011 - 07:31 AM