Farm Fresh BlogThursday, April 21 2011
I'm pleased to announce that Trace is "Back In Bidness!" After weeks of trying to keep a baby Border Collie quiet and confined . . . . . . so his broken leg could heal . . . . . . we have let loose The Beast! (As if we were ever able to keep him quiet anyway! But please don't tell the Vet!) Comments:
They BOTH look happy that he is back in bidness! He looks so grown up now and is such a cutie pie.....Will he get to start back on herding lessons again?
Posted by Janie on 04/21/2011 - 04:31 PM
He IS so grown-up now! I still try to limit his play with Briar because they play so rough and she tries to pick him up by the tail! I will probably give him a few more weeks before we start herding again because of all the stress on his front legs.
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 04/21/2011 - 05:55 PM