Farm Fresh BlogFriday, May 20 2011
The Universe doesn't seem to understand that I don't have time to be sick. This is Day Two of SICK. Yesterday I spent approximately 32 hours sleeping, staring at the ceiling fan, and trying not to puke. I did, however, drag my butt out of bed to take this picture of Cuteness Personified. And now . . . I'm goin' back to bed. Comments:
He really is one out of the box, Almost unreal in colouring and eye goggles. I feel for you re SICK. I am not sick but have a ghout (sp) that seems to be being caused by my hip op. Spent 2 days stuck on downstairs couch after I could not get back upstairs. It seems to be getting better sure has clipped my wings
Posted by Liz (vic Aust.) on 05/21/2011 - 04:38 AM
Look at those ears! Looks like each one is almost as big as his head! Precious!
While driving out and about in Texas, we'll often seen sheep or goats in a field. To me, from a distance, I can't tell the difference between sheared (shorn?) sheep and goats. My husband tells me it's easy; just look at the ears! LOL
Posted by Lynn on 05/21/2011 - 09:26 AM
Honestly that is soooo cute it makes me regret I live in a condo. Think the neighbors would object?
Posted by Susan on 05/23/2011 - 07:01 PM