Farm Fresh BlogFriday, September 23 2011
Dear Reader Diane sent an email that delighted me to the very core of my bones. I begged her to let me share it with you! ************************************************************************************************************* "I loved your story of the *hideously beautiful boots*. I can SO identify.......LOL....sometimes you see something and you can't figure out a way to NOT get it. Doesn't matter if it is the most wildly impractical thing, that it won't ever be used/worn enough to justify it's price...... But when you ask yourself......*Can I live without it????*.....and you truthfully answer *No*.......well, it must be meant to be. So it is with my barn. After years of drooling over barns, I will finally be getting one. Nothing fancy, a 32 X 32' pole barn shed with a 12' lean to on one side for my 2 horses (and the evil goatie). It's as basic as I can make it, so when I am gone, someone else can use it for whatever they want. Sturdy, functional.......and a bit....um......boring. Then I fell off my mind and spied THIS......and I knew, I just KNEW, it needed to be the main light in my little tack room/office. Yes, it's about as impractical as you can get......I am sure it will be nothing more than a fancy spider condo........ But I simply couldn't NOT get it. I went into Sequin Queen mode, and happily handed over my credit card. The electrician is going to laugh his butt off when he installs it, but I don't care. Even barns need bling. Regards, Diane I. WI . . . and because I can't afford the weathervane I REALLY want (I am NOT paying more for a weathervane than I did for my horses!!)
I went with a *barn guardian* instead.
His name is *Apex*."
![]() This is a woman after my own heart! I love the way she thinks! And for those of you who missed her reference to my Hideously Beautiful Boots, here it is: Hideously Beautiful Comments:
If it were not too far away, I'd come over and wire the lamp for free.....no laughs...a few knowing smiles, perhaps....but no laughs.
The reason for the knowing smiles is that I have similar "issues"....except mine are probably a bit more wildly impractical. :-)
Posted by Eric on 09/23/2011 - 08:57 PM
Love it. Talk about doing things on spure of moment. Have given a home to two 9 month boer goats. I can't walk properly at moment and they are fence climbers. Hope their butts get too heavy soon as there is no way I can get them back without help. So far so good LGD have accepted them and they are still in with 3 ancient scatty sheep and a ferral cashmere who marches to her own tune
Posted by Liz (Vic Aust) on 09/23/2011 - 10:01 PM
Okay Eric! Spill the beans! What wildly impractical things have you bought?!
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 09/26/2011 - 10:41 PM
The are both guy things....
A 1957 Jeep truck and two 'small' caliber pistols.
7mmBR and 7mm-08 calibers....
Posted by Eric on 09/28/2011 - 01:11 AM