Farm Fresh BlogSaturday, November 26 2011
This dog is a bit of a puzzle.
We were told that her mother was a Komondor and her father was a Great Pyrenees. While there is clearly a Great Pyrenees in there somewhere, whatever else is in Briar's genes is open for debate. Perhaps a Komondor, with a dash of clown . . . There has been much serious discussion on the subject. Today I received a phone call from Briar's vet. He wanted to take a blood sample from my Big White Dog and send it off for a free DNA test to finally have something more than speculation. (not that it really matters but inquiring minds want to know!) Since we are all curious and the test is free, we decided to draw the blood up . . . "Do what?!!" I got off the phone and walked outside to fetch up my Big White Dog. The vet was on his way, and she was covered in cow poop. (Unscheduled Midnight Romp in the pasture) A date with a water hose was necessary to make her presentable to even the most tolerant of farm vets. An hour later and Briar's "who's ya daddy?" test was in the mailbox. Anyone want to take bets on what turns up?
"Sugar and spice and everything nice!" Comments: post comment
I feel sure that at least part of her ancestry includes Texas Fence-jumper. Those Fence-jumpers sire some mighty fine (although often unexpected) puppies.
Posted by CarolG. on 11/26/2011 - 06:53 PM
I vote either Akbash or Anatolian.
Posted by shawna on 11/26/2011 - 06:57 PM
I'm going to try Pyr/terrier [wire hair] stag hound type maybe. Reason, hair that flips up front of eyes. The rest colour etc is all Pyr.
Posted by Liz [Vic Aust.] on 11/26/2011 - 07:02 PM
My money is on the Komondor Pyr-looks so like the pups I used to raise from that cross-especially the hair around the eyes. Did she have the double dew claws from the pry as a baby?
At any rate she is a purebread keeper!
Posted by sue in wyoming on 11/26/2011 - 10:10 PM
I think Shawna has it... the expression is Anatolian and the Akbash is a white version .... I would vote Pyr/Akbash.
Posted by Susan on 11/26/2011 - 10:30 PM
Briar does not have double dewclaws. The hair around her face is very distinctive. I LOVE it! It gives her this Irish Wolfhound expression. Her hair doesn't curl in ringlets at all but her mother was reportedly a Komondor. (we didn't see her) Briar has just turned 2 years old so I'm guessing this is what she will look like as an adult.
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 11/26/2011 - 10:43 PM
I adore her regardless of breed, but definitely see the Pyr in her coloring and ear set! =) And I definitely see where the Irish Wolfhound/Scottish Deerhound guesses come from. Maybe her mama's breed was just a guess. I do know Komondorok are used a lot around here (CTX). I think the DNA test may be inconclusive as so many of the LGDs share genetic material.
Posted by Becca on 11/28/2011 - 12:28 PM
Given Briar's straight hair, it's hard to believe the Komondor part; however, stranger things have happened. I have a cousin whose daughter was her spitting image and whose son looked just like his father (this was easy to tell as parents were exact opposites - one tall & blonde, other short and dark). Anyway, Briar's story is interesting so how about telling us her height at withers and weight. When will you get the info? I suspect it'll be a matter of months, especially as it's free.
Posted by Terri's Pal on 11/29/2011 - 12:56 AM
I don't have a wicket, to measure her height and my tape measure is at work, but I figure she is about 85 lbs of lean dog. She's all hair. I agree, I've heard those DNA tests can be iffy. If it doesn't come back with any Pyr at all, we'll know something is amiss.
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 11/29/2011 - 11:01 AM
devil dog, perhaps?
Posted by clairesmum on 12/01/2011 - 04:57 PM
I'm pretty sure she has some Abdominal Snowman in there somewhere.
Posted by 3DogDays on 12/03/2011 - 07:51 PM