Farm Fresh BlogSaturday, December 24 2011
There is so much to tell you! I took the Arapaho way, turned my back on last week and said, "It is finished." (That is amazingly calming by the way, you should try it.) Anyway, all the way through this ordeal, I've had faith that God would lead me to a much better place. Even as doubts whispered, "You're gonna lose your farm and your dream ranch will already have been sold to someone else," I held tight to the faith that if that were the case, an even better ranch was waiting in my future. Guess what! My ranch was still there! I grudgingly promised to look at another ranch in the area before we put money down on My Ranch. (waste of time) The other ranch was set up for cattle, offered good hunting, and had a building that we could actually live in while building a house. But . . . it wasn't my ranch, and even as I drove around it, I knew it, and was impatient to go see My Ranch again. After wasting way too much time at the other place (i.e. setting foot on it), we arrived at My Ranch. (let me take a moment to explain that the other ranch was very beautiful and most people would LOVE to have it, but it wasn't The One and I knew it. I had a Dream for 6 months. I knew what I wanted. Looking at anything else was a waste of time.) The sun was beginning to creep down as I climbed in the back of the mule and we drove off to take another look at the ranch I've dreamed of for the last 6 months. It's wild. It's remote. It's beautiful. It's mine. A tremendous peace washed over me. I was home.
It's not only beautiful, it's full of history. This was an old Indian settlement (complete with graves) at the base of a mountain. A creek runs through it that supported them. The property had game and water. They settled here and raided the local settlers. (trespassers) A fort was built to the north to protect the settlers from the Indians. The creek has washed up artifacts and bones. Apparently hunters stumbled upon these and fearing a crime scene, brought in authorities who identified the bones as ancient. The Native Americans said to leave the washed up bones where you find them to allow them to continue their journey. Works for me. I thought about all this as I rode through it again and let the place soak into me. I need this place. This place needs me. It is a piece of history. It needs protection. It needs someone who will appreciate its wild beauty and not see it as a resource for stripped timber, oil, and future ranchettes. I can take care of this place. This place can take care of me. The realtor asked, "Do you want to sleep on it overnight and let me know something tomorrow?" I barely glanced back at him. "No." He asked again. "I want it." "Don't you want to sleep on it overnight." (stupid question) "I've slept on it many nights already." Finally Other Half said, "If this is what she wants, then we'll get it. Let's start the paperwork." And so it was that I signed my name, threw the money from the sale of my little farm at him, and bought a dream. Barring any complications, we close at the end of January. Comments:
I am not sure if I hear the Eagle drum group or the Halelaluah chorus but there is music playing! Congradulations!
Posted by Sue in Wyoming on 12/24/2011 - 09:22 AM
Ahhhh I got lost in the story somewhere. Knew you sold, but thought you WERE at your dream ranch, but with stock crowded in while you got fences etc. ready. So.. you sold and where you are now is a temporary I guess. I THINK I'm caught up. We've been 8 years now in our special place. Women always KNOW about this.. sure we make sure it has the basics we want - but after that, it is in our heart, the decision.
Posted by Linda Nightsky Farm on 12/24/2011 - 10:15 AM
I love the looks of the place! It doesn't look at all how I picture Texas--but I think that's a good thing.
Around here, it's considered bad manners to ask how much land a farmer has (like asking "how much money do you have in the bank?")--but I'm sure way curious how much "elbow room" you have there? Will there be room for the Other Half's cattle, and your sheep and goats, and room for the dogs to run, and some room for riding?
Posted by EvenSong on 12/24/2011 - 10:45 AM
(previous comment too long. continued:)
I think you've said it's your "retirement place" right? I'm assuming all your spare time in the meantime will be spent getting it ready for you and your critters... Or do you plan on moving from Other Half's place sooner than that--ie, is it in commuting distance? Either way, building up a new place is great therapy!
Merry Christmas to you guys!
Posted by EvenSong on 12/24/2011 - 10:47 AM
Congratulations! It's beautiful and I know you will be a good steward of the land and a protector of its history. Now you've had me in tears twice in the last 5 minutes. Had just read the post about the dog's graves and saw the pictures of the beautiful gifts from Navarre and Sue. My past dogs also live in my soul but their ashes (and those of my late husband) are here with me. When the time comes we will all be joined together and cast into the winds. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Posted by Virginia on 12/24/2011 - 01:08 PM
just got caught up on the past few days - so many emotions for me right now, just reading. i can imagine how it is to be walking this part of your path. Hubby sounds like a wise man, to trust your heart on this decision. A gift of love and wisdom, for Christmas. And the Arapahoe way - will do some thinking on that - sounds like a good way to end a life chapter. Enjoy the warmth and love and presence of Christmas.
Posted by clairesmum on 12/24/2011 - 02:59 PM
Welcome home.
Posted by Beth on 12/24/2011 - 11:00 PM
Thank you all! To clarify for those who got a bit lost. I had a sheep farm. He had a cattle ranch. We wanted to buy a retirement ranch so we sold my sheep farm and I moved my remaining critters onto the cattle ranch. We used the money as a down payment on The Ranch. It's about 130 acres. Big enough to get lost on. Small enough two retired people can care for it. It's too far for a regular commute now. We'll work on it for the next few years and it'll have a house and barn when we retire. :)
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 12/25/2011 - 09:16 AM
That's what I thought. I'm working on my retirement farm now--though I still have a few years to go (wish it were now!) Congrats! and Merry Christmas from the herd at EvenSong Farm!
Posted by EvenSong on 12/25/2011 - 09:19 AM
Cool.... :-)
Posted by Eric on 12/25/2011 - 02:10 PM
I am very happy for all of you, people and critters. Good for you knowing exactly what you want. I will be looking for my place in about a year and hope I find exactly the right place too.
What a wonderful way to start a new year.
Posted by Jan on 12/30/2011 - 12:04 PM