Farm Fresh BlogSunday, December 25 2011
Lilah lives an hour away from her Neigh-Neighs (nay-nays???) and thus she doesn't get to ride them as often as she'd like. She does, however, pull up their pictures daily on the computer so she can keep abreast of her farms. (online supervision) And trust me, this kid keeps up with her farm! She knows her animals. For example, last week she was helping me package soap orders. She looked down at the business cards that were attached to each bar and announced, "Hey! That's my goat!" "Well, yes Dear, that IS your goat." Whodathunkit? On the other hand, Lilah is 2 1/2 years old. She KNOWS what belongs to her, so when she comes to the farm, Lilah comes prepared . . .
While Napolean genuinely likes kids, Ruffy firmly believes that children are cookie dispensers. He's not wrong. While Napolean does all the real work, Ruffy soaks up the rewards.
After she plays with ponies, Lilah must drive around the ranch to supervise her other creatures. Yes, she drives the mule.
(I would dearly love to know what she was telling him.) And baby brother, Everett, is not left out. There are lambs to check too. On Christmas Eve, Lilah returned bearing more gifts for her Neigh-Neighs. Even the big horses love to see her. It's simple math.
Grandbaby = midget human = cookie dispenser For Christmas her baby brother received a Fisher Price Nativity Scene. Lilah immediately confiscated it.
She then proceeded to rip out Baby Jesus and fill the stable with Neigh-neighs. "Isn't there something wrong with that?"
On that same note, look closely at this Nativity scene. Closer . . . Yeah, that! Who knew Jesus had a Border Collie?
And I'll leave you with this . . . Like Lilah, keep track of your blessings. And like Everett, make sure to keep a little Jesus in your manger.