Farm Fresh BlogThursday, December 29 2011
Our journey to put money down on the ranch was Dillon's first real road trip. It proved to be quite entertaining. The realtor is very pro-dog and encouraged us to let the pups run. (He knows how to sell ranch property!) Dillon was an angel,
Everything about the ranch was a delight to a 4 month old Labrador, and he was a little chocolate angel. He stayed close to us. He came when he was called, and most importantly . . . . . . he didn't roll in cow poop. The same cannot be said for other members of our party. Yes, Blue Heeler has a love of Cow Poop Perfume. Let me paint you a mental picture. Imagine this: We walk into Realtor's Office and the weather is beautiful. Mild temperatures. Blue skies. Sign papers and throw down large sum of money. Walk out of office to discover that a Blue Norther has rolled in and it is now colder than a polar bear's nose. Inform Other Half that we STILL will go by the property again to take photos of old homestead. He reluctantly agrees. It is cold. We have a long drive ahead of us. Nevertheless, he is stuck in the truck with a woman for the next 7 hours, so he does the only wise thing - he agrees with her. Drive to ranch. Reason that this is the perfect place to allow pups to play before their long journey home. Problem: the cattle already on the place are certain that we are there to feed them and are thus following the truck. Grrrr. . . Outrun cattle. Inform Other Half that he can sit in warm truck, pay bills, and keep an eye out for cattle while I throw sticks to entertain pups. (it sounded good on paper) What happened was this: I get absorbed in playing fetch with Lily and Dillon and fail to note that Blue Heeler has slipped out of my eyesight FOR JUST A MOMENT. Turn around in time to see him rising out of a roll. He is covered ON BOTH SIDES with yellow-green slime. Thirty angus calves have been in a wheat field. Thirty calves can leave a lot of yellow-green poop. Yes, it is 38 degrees outside with a stiff breeze, and we are now facing a 7 hour drive inside a truck with a dog who is now covered in cow shit. Oh joy! See red for a moment. Vainly try to find way to blame Other Half for this dilemma. He is still sitting in warm truck. Inform him that Blue Heeler will now ride in the BACK of the truck in Dillon's crate. Other Half argues that this is unfair and is cruel and unusual punishment for the crime. And so that's how two idiots ended up bathing a stupid blue dog in a 38 degree stream.
"Ranger smells funny. Can I sit in the front seat?"
Ranger is just getting the essence of his new home all over himself, so he knows where he belongs! now that you gave him a bath, he's gonna have to do it all over again!
the worst dog rolling here was at the pier - a combination of motor oil, mud, and decaying marine life - that lasted a very long time! it was more persistent than skunk, the usual problem here.
at least nobody ATE the cow poops!
Posted by marypeart789@hotmail.com on 12/29/2011 - 10:35 AM
What a good and HANDSOME puppy Dillon is! My black Lab (Chimo, 1990-2005) loved to eat cow/horse poop so I had to keep her on leash AND keep an eye on her when we visited places with those tempting products on the ground. ... A 7 hour drive seems an awful long way to take the pups for a run ;-)
Posted by Terri's Pal on 12/29/2011 - 03:14 PM
That's why he is a heel nipping AUSTRALIAN cow dog. Parfume de cow is an essential part of the work. Very bonzer [classy]. :) "good on ya mate!"
Posted by Liz [Vic Aust] on 12/29/2011 - 04:42 PM
That first picture of Blue Heeler gave my first guffaw of the day (and it's 10:15 pm..I needed it) The look on his face is priceless. I took my BC to a beginners sheep herding clinic a couple of weeks ago. He got the prize for the longest roll in sheep poop. He had the same goofy look on his face and I didn't have the heart to stop him, but then again, we only had a 2 hour ride home.
Posted by Janet on 12/29/2011 - 09:16 PM
You cannot imagine how disgusting that ride to the stream was! Imagine the heater blowing warm air over yellow cow poop on a blue dog. I was turning green!
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 12/31/2011 - 11:01 AM