Farm Fresh BlogSunday, May 06 2012
Guess why Briar didn't get supper last night! The picture should say enough. See these cute little roosters? See these cute little roosters that belong to the NEIGHBOR?!!! Apparently one of these little boogers flew into Briar's yard yesterday. Yes . . . I found her EATING it. Yes . . . EATING a bird that she KILLED!
Unlike her chicken catching adventures of the past, which included guarding and licking her victim, but otherwise leaving a wet unharmed chicken, for some reason, she took it in her head to begin a raw diet - with chicken. And so it was that I was forced to call the rancher next door and apologize for the murder and dismemberment of his bird. He laughed. "Don't worry about it. Those chickens spend more time at your place than mine anyway. Not a problem!" (Thank God for understanding neighbors!) I felt awful, and assured him that at least she killed a rooster and not a hen. Fortunately despite the fact that Briar barks all night, I think he kinda likes her, and since he has six more little roosters, the loss of one didn't bother him a bit. Still, when the kibble was dished up last night, the vision of Briar eating everything but legs and a head, was still stuck in my head, so she just got a few bits of kibble to make her think she had dinner. And she promptly threw it up. Everything. Kibble, feathers, raw chicken, everything. I watched five cute little roosters marching across the neighbor's pasture and didn't feel one bit sorry for Briar and her upset tummy. Comments:
Maybe she is missing her daily fix of Grandma's eggs!
Posted by Janie on 05/06/2012 - 06:35 PM
I'm gonna tell you right now that man was thrilled that Briar ate his rooster. He's hoping she'll eat 5 more as well. If they were important to a breeding program, he'd have one/more locked up with his hens. That is his bachelor group that he's not brave enough to dispatch. I own chickens, I know. :)
Glad Briar threw up before she cam in the house for bed. Too bad she couldn't have kept her 'raw' dinner down.
Posted by CeeCee on 05/06/2012 - 08:34 PM
When we had our chickens in Georgia, the dogs never bothered them, nor did the cats. But once we got our ducks, that was another story.....especially when my mutt killed my favorite duck. :(
Posted by Renie Morris on 05/06/2012 - 10:09 PM
He generally keeps his hens up close to the house, but the bachelor rooster flock roams over to my house. They are cute and never cause any trouble. They scratch the ground and clean up the barn yard, then march on home. But clearly, pit-stops in Briar's yard are frowned upon.
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 05/07/2012 - 03:24 PM